Main Screen Buttons

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Reset deal – To return the cards, trump, and declarer back to the situation found in the PBN file.

Undo – will remove the last card played from the table. You may undo as many cards as you wish, all the way back to the opening lead.

Actual Play – This button will allow you to play a card from the Bridge file. Of course, once your play deviates from the play that occurred at the actual table, this button will no longer be available for that deal.

Actual Trick – Play the next four cards from the Bridge file.

DD Cards – This button will calculate, and then highlight in light blue, all the cards that may be played and still achieve the optimum double dummy result. That result will also appear to the right.

DD Play – This button will calculate and then play a card that will achieve the optimum double dummy result. That result will also appear to the right.

DD Results –The entire table of maximum possible tricks, based upon double dummy play, is shown in a grid of 5 trump denominations and 4 declarers.



Usually, both North and South or both East and West can make the same number of tricks, in which case the table shows the result in the middle for the pair. Occasionally, the par result will be different, depending on the specific declarer. In this example, you can see that with hearts as trump the E-W pair can make 6 tricks when East is the declarer, but only 5 tricks when West is the declarer.