Card Style

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There are four different "card styles" in DDS.


Old Cards - traditional Microsoft cards. These get pixelated with higher Zoom levels.

Old Card


New Cards - (the default)

New Card



Instead of card pictures, you can use letters, so the main screen will look more like a book or newspaper article.


When using Letter cards, the background color shows the number of tricks above or below the contracted number, based upon double dummy play. The following color code is used for the background:

green shows cards leading to overtricks for the declarer;

light blue shows cards the contract just making;

red shows cards that lead to a contract being set.


The darker the hue, the more over or under tricks. The actual card played is underlined.


The example to the right shows this color coding. The actual lead [underlined 5 diamonds] allowed the contract to make while any club lead would have allowed a set, assuming all future plays were DD.





The Symbols option is primarily intended to allow for crisp resolution in high res monitors.The suit symbols on these cards should be crisp at any resolution.
