CSS in HTML Comments |
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Comments in DDS are displayed using HTML with the following default CSS style sheet:
body { font: "CCWriter" 10pt; background-color : "ltgray" } p { margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 0; } p.header { text-decoration : underline; font-weight : bold; color : navy; }
You can override this standard with your own CSS. To do this, place a CSS tag in each game that should use your CSS by either: •placing a file with the CSS in the same folder as your PBN file, or •embedding the CSS as a comment to a first CSS tag in the PBN file.
The "CSS" tag/value pair needs to appear in every game that requires your CSS. Any game that doesn't have this CSS tag will use the default CSS. The value for the CSS tag is either: •"comment" - i.e. [CSS "comment"] which will use the CSS tag comment (see example below); or •the name of your file, e.g. [CSS "DDS.css"] which will use the CSS contained in the named file.
If your CSS value includes a file name, the CSS for that game will be taken from the external file, not the comment for that tag - if any; i.e. file name supersedes any comments.
If you use the "comment" value, the desired style sheet info should follow in a comment to the first [CSS "comment"] tag. Subsequent games with a [CSS "comment"] tag will utilize the CSS most recently embedded.
For example:
[CSS "comment"] ;body { font-Name : "Courier"; ; background-color : "pink"; ; } ;p { margin-top: 2; ; margin-bottom: 4; ; } ;p.header { ; text-decoration : underline; ; font-weight : bold; ; color : navy; ; font-size: 12pt; ; }
Note: CSS which is embedded as a comment to a CSS tag must have every line begin with a semi-colon. |