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This is a complicated feature to master, made easier to understand with the examples below.


Often you will want to analyze a subset of the data file. For example, you may want to see results with a certain partner or perhaps against certain opponents. With a combination of Include and Exclude boxes checked, there is virtually an unlimited number of subsets you can analyze.


If a deal type is included with one (or more) checks, but excluded with another, the Exclude takes precedence. That deal will not be included in the filtered results. Think of each Exclude as having veto power. If no box is checked for a filter, that subset may or may not be included.


In order of priority

(1) If a deal type is excluded, then this overrides any other rule which might have included it.

(2) If a deal type is included, then it is included except where in conflict with (1) above.

(3) When include and exclude are both unset, the deal type is included except where in conflict with (1) above.


In general, you will want to include only the deals that will result in the smallest subset and then Exclude from that subset deals you are not interested in.


For example, if you've Included Opener's HCP=12 and Opener's HCP=13, and Excluded "They Open",  the filtered results will show all deals where the opener had 12 HCP or 13 HCP, excluding all deals opened by your opponents. In other words, the results will show all deals where you or your partner opened with precisely 12 or 13 HCP.


Assume you want to analyze just the deals you or a regular partner have opened the bidding with 2 diamonds (Flannery for us). On the Summary tab, Exclude "They Open". Now click on the Opening Bids tab and Include the 2D bid. Finally include just your regular partner on the Partners tab.


After you've filtered the deals, click Scoreboard where you will see only those deals that pass all the filters. In order to return to your prior screen without these filtered affects, click the Windows red X in the upper right corner. Click OK to have the data filter and then return to the Main Screen.


On the main screen there is an option, under File, where you can save this filtered subset to a separate file.