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This feature lets you analyze your results in numerous ways. It's best to accumulate many deals - ideally 1,000+ - in a single file and then look at these results. There are 16 tabs that summarize your results. The above example of the "Summary" tab shows results accumulated over many years, played by JEC on BBO.


Note: If a file includes deals with both IMP and MP scoring make sure you make the appropriate "Compared with" menu selection. The bottom selection, "Par IMPs", includes all deals in the file and calculates IMPs won by comparing the actual score at the table with the par score for the hand.


Actual IMPs and Actual IMPs per Board are shown from the Bottom Player's perspective. As an example, JEC (shown on the top line - the BBO name) won an average of 3.64 IMPs when he doubled the bidding and won 0.67 IMPs when his opponents doubled.


See Filtering for more features.