Short-cut Keys

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Some prefer to use a keyboard rather than a mouse. For those users, Double Dummy Solver employs several "Short-cut keys."  They are often a function key; e.g. F1, or a <Ctrl>-letter.


On Menus

For the main menu there is a standard Widows feature whereby pressing the <Alt> key displays a short-cut key (also known as an Accelerator key) for each item which can then be pressed for the desired function. If you've used this <Alt>key feature for the main menu, then each sub-menu item will also display a short-cut key.


During play of the hand

To Reset Deal, press the <Home> key.

To make the next "Actual Play", press <Enter> or "." [the period key] If play has previously deviated from the actual play, the "Actual Play" button will be disabled. Continued pressing of <Enter> or "." will then cause the DD Play card to be played..

Use the Left/Right arrow keys to highlight a different card, then press ><Enter> to play that card.

To make all the Actual Plays for the current trick, you can press <Ctrl>-"." (period)

To make the next DD Play, press B  (think of Best play)

To make the DD Play for all cards to the current trick, Right-Click the DD Play button or press <Ctrl>-B

To Undo the last card played, press <Backspace>

To Undo all cards from the current trick, Right-Click the Undo button or press <Ctrl>-<Backspace>



Reset Deal




Actual Trick

<Ctrl> <period>

DD Trick

<Ctrl> B

Actual Play

..<Enter>   or  <period>

DD Play



On the File Sub-Menu

You can also open a sub-menu item directly with your keyboard:

Open the most recent bridge file - <Ctrl>-M

Prior Deal - F2

Next Deal - F3

Next Table - <Ctrl>-N

Toggle between Showing or Hiding two hands - <Ctrl>-H

Input Custom Deal - F5

Add or Edit comments - F8

Download Results - F9

Save entire file - F10

Print Screen - <Ctrl>-P

Print Deals - F11

Exit - <Ctrl>-X
