SQL Files

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DDS converts all PBN or LIN files to SQLite files with a .sql file extension. There are a few free programs available for download from the Internet that will allow you to look at and edit these .sql files. My favorite is DB Browser for SQLite which can be downloaded at http://sqlitebrowser.org/  


There are many programming advantages for using  a sophisticated database engine like SQLite but the most important one is speed. When a bridge database holds more than 500 or so deals, processing speeds start to slow down dramatically using "flat" files. It is desirable to have a large database, especially when using all the features of the Filter system. My largest database has more than 100,000 deals played by JEC.


Each of the DDS .sql files will normally have three different tables:

1.Data - which holds info that isn't standard in every PBN file

2.Game - which holds the standard PBN tags plus some other useful info.

3.Player - which changes every time you select the "Bottom Player". This table holds much of the info shown in the Scoreboard. Every time you change the Bottom Player this table gets recreated.