Zoom Feature

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With high resolution monitors, items on DDS screens may appear small and hard to read, especially if your eyesight is fading a bit like mine. To solve this problem, DDS allows you to press <Ctrl> PLUS. Either:

hold the <Ctrl> key down while you click the  "+" key on the keypad, OR

hold the <Ctrl> key down while you click the "+ =" key (left of your backspace key)


To make the items on your DDS screen smaller, click <Ctrl> MINUS, using the "-" key on your key pad or the "_ -" key two keys to the left of your Backspace key. Each time you press a Ctrl + or Ctrl - all items will change in size by approximately 10%.


Each screen can individually be increase up or down. For example, here's the normal size:





And here is the same screen increased about 30%


Options Big